We at ModernManBags.com want you to be 100% satisfied with your bag. We offer a 30-day no-risk guarantee. If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, just follow the return steps for a full refund or store credit--no questions asked.
Love your bag. It's the one thing you'll carry almost as much as your cell phone. It'll be one of the first things people notice on you and last things you can do without. It should reflect your personality, lifestyle, and look. So be picky and carry it with pride!
But finding your perfect bag can be difficult. Sometimes, finding the right bag may require going through some wrong bags first. In our experience, here are the most common reasons men are dissatisfied with their bags:

- Wrong size
- Laptop too big to fit
- Hate the look
- Not what I expected
- Poor quality
Furthermore, one of the biggest problems when buying an imported bag from an international seller is the time and money it takes to return a bag. This is especially important if buying leather bags as the color and quality of the leather can vary dramatically from your expectations. So be sure to buy from a shop that offres a 30 day guarantee!
Return Policy - The Fine Print
- ModernManBags will not pay the return shipping costs. If a the return is a result of our mistake or a defective item an exception will be made and a pre-paid return label will be emailed to you. Please contact customers support in such cases.
- Items are protected against defects for 30 days from the receipt of shipment. After that time, please refer to the manufacturer's warranty policy. Note that many of your town's local shoe and leather repair shops can fix your bag at a relatively low price.
- You can return unused items for 30 days from the receipt of shipment. All items must be in the condition you received them, with all hang tags attached and in the original packaging.
- Your refund will include the price of the bag and any taxes. This credit will not include any original shipping charges. Your credit will appear after ModernManBags.com has received and processed your returned item(s) through our return procedure.
- Credit card companies vary on the time it takes for credit to appear on their customers' records. Please allow one to two billing cycles for the refund to appear on your statement.